
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

50 mortigis en preghejo-atako en Kenjo/50 die in Kenya church attack

in English and Esperanto
Tumultantaro brulis preghejon en Eldoret, Kenjo. Kvindek homoj eble mortita. Membroj de la Kikujo-tribo uzis la "Asembleoj de Dio" preghejon por refugh-loko.

George Karanja kaj lia familio estis inter tiuj en la preghejo. "Ili komencis bruli la preghejon," Karanja diris. "La matracoj, sur ke homoj dormis, ekbrulis. Chiuj kuris, kaj homoj falis sur aliaj homoj."

Karanja savis almenaŭ 10 homoj. Li diris, " Sed mi ne povus savi la filon de mia fratino. Li kriis 'Onklo, onklo!' ... Li mortis." La knabo havis nur dek unu jarojn.

Ghis 50 homoj mortigis en la atako, diris oficialo de Rugha Kruco. Shi parolis sub kondicho de anonimeco, char shia nomo identigus shian tribon, kaj shi timis vengh-atencon.

A mob burned a church in Eldoret, Kenya. As many as fifty people may have died. Members of the Kikuyu tribe used the "Assemblies of God" church as a refuge.

George Karanja and his family were among those in the church. "They began to burn the church," he said. "The matresses that people were sleeping on caught fire. There was a stampede and people fell on one another.

Karanja saved at least 10 people. He said, "But I couldn't save my sister's son. He was crying, 'Uncle, uncle!'. He died." The boy was only 11 years old.
As many as 50 people died in the attack, said an official of the Red Cross. She spoke under condition of anonymity, because her name would identify her tribe, and she feared revenge-attacks.
TECHNORATI-AJ ETIKETOJ, kiu ludas en la ghardeno de bono kaj malbono:

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