
Friday, June 15, 2018

Ridante Lernu: LEE Chong-Yeong

"Ridante Lernu" estas lego-libro por komencantoj, kaj ghi estas tre amusa. La libro estas verkita de LEE Chong-Yeong. Publikita de Korea Esperanto Asocio, 2007.

After you have done some basic lessons in Esperanto, you might want to start reading easy Esperanto learning materials like this book, "Ridante Lernu." 

It contains 200 short texts in Esperanto which are useful to practice reading the language. Most of the texts are amusing jokes. 

I have not been keeping up with my Esperanto for the past few years, and when I tried to read a normal Esperanto book I found it a bit difficult. So I took this book down from my Esperanto shelf and started reading. It's funny and good practice to get back in the swing of using Esperanto.

I don't remember how I got this book. Maybe ELNA's book service? Or UEA? Anyway, it is probably available yet if you want a copy of your own.

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